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If you do not keep things in their proper place and time, you will never understand God's word. We provide these studies and materials with a desire to lead those hungry to learn the word of God into an understanding of the framework of Scripture.
As the Bible student understands WHERE they are in terms of Dispensations (a big word but important enough to learn!) they will avoid confusion. It's as easy as understanding that God's command to Adam regarding not eating of the tree of knowledge is not to you. His commandment to Noah to build an Ark does not belong to THIS Dispensation in which we now live.
As you grasp Dispensations, God's word will make sense like never before, so get started by listening and viewing these studies below:
Charles Ryries, Dispensationalism, revised 1995, p. 20
A basic example is to compare our day of believing the Gospel of grace to the first Dispensation in the Garden of Eden. There was no Gospel of grace (see 1 Cotinthians 15:2-4) in the Garden. They were to avoid the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But we're not concerned with that tree. We are concerned with faith in Jesus who died on a tree. So, you see the difference between those two Dispensations.
And that's the basic type of differences of each Dispensation. Each begins with a message of hope but, sadly, ends in Judgment and God establishing a new Dispensation with new hope.
Even among those who deny being "Dispensationalists", you will find this obvious Dispensational lay out discussed because it's so obvious that it cannot be avoided. One interesting example that I found was in the Anabaptist work titled, "The Martyrs Mirror." In the introduction to this 1,140 page history of martyrdom, this non-dispensational author is making that case that God has one "divine and heavenly church," which is not what the Bible actually says. But in his attempt to defend this unbiblical idea of the church existing "through all the ages up to the present time", T.J. van Braght writes:
" From Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to Christ, from Christ to the end of the world, God ordained, for each of these periods, different customs, as regards the external divine service of this church..." (1)
And this quotation demonstrates the necessity of letting God's plain, simple word speak without adding our own ideas to it. His (Braght's) statement is a Dispensational statement until he adds his own pre-conceived notion of there being "the church" or "this church" in each of these ages (or better, "Dispensations").
But if you ignore his extra-Biblical notion of "the church", you will see that he clearly recognizes the five Dispensations that take place between the 1st (Eden to the Fall) and the 7th (Millennial Kingdom Age) which he leaves out. Compare this quote from Braght and many others found in otherwise non-Dispensational works to our chart or those of Clarence Larkin and others.
We developed the chart (above) to help the Bible student understand the Biblical Framework for understanding the Bible:
That 7th Dispensation ends but the Kingdom does NOT... and that is the beginning of ETERNITY.
So, considering that this provides an overview of 66 books with 1,189 chapters, it's a pretty simple framework that God has given for the understanding of His Book and His eternal plan of the ages.
2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
(1) Thieleman J. van Braght, "The Martyrs Mirror," Page 21. Published by Herald Press, Harrisonburg, VA. (c) 1938 by Mennonite Publishing House. ISBN:: 978-0-8361-1390-7
We are free to agree and disagree with the brethren on certain specifics of the Dispensation model for Bible interpretation. With that in mind, the following list includes some of the more well-known teachers over the years who presented various forms and degrees of Dispensations in the Bible:
In this book, Dr. Ruckman helps guide us in our understanding of Dispensations He discusses what Dispensations ARE and are NOT.
By paying careful attention to what is said, the student will be prepared to explain Dispensations to others without causing confusion. This is not only for Bible teachers in the local church but is important for EVERY Bible believer who discusses the subject with others.
Another reason this is such an important book is because of the two extremes represented by the majority of teachers, schools and denominationsL
Satan's desire is to either destroy the Bible (which he will NEVER do) or to keep you from reading it. And if you read it, Satan will attempt to keep you from understanding it. This book will help to defeat Satan's purposes and you will benefit greatly from it's contents.
Peter Ruckman, "How To Teach Dispensational Truth," chapter
Dispensationalism did NOT begin with J.N. Darby. Nor did it begin with post-trib Rapture visions of Margaret McDonald OR the writings of a Jesuit named Ribero. (See the videos for these topics in our playlist above.)
Dispensationalism began with the Bible and is as old as the Bible itself.
To your left, you will see a book cover for, "Ancient Dispensational Truth: Refuting the Myth That Dispensationalism Is New." We also preface our recommendations with the disclaimer that we do not necessarily endorse every thing said in this book or everything the author believes.
But James C. Morris has done a very good job of demonstrating the truth of the title of his work. We highly recommend it to all Dispensational Bible Believers and also to those who repeat the false claim that, "Dispensationalism is New."
We welcome letters but response time will be much slower for obvious reasons:
Bible Believers Fellowship
P..O. Box 662, Worthington, OH 43085 US
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