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Details how that Jesus rose AFTER sabbath (sundown Saturday) on the first day of the week.
Passion Week laid out in chronological order, presenting a Wednesday Crucifixion and Sunday morning Resurrection.
Revelation chapters 2 & 3 introduce 7 churches in Asia. This chart shows the way in which they predicted and portray Church History. Six true churches and one end-time false, apostate church.
A simple chart giving a "birds eye view" of the seven seal, trumpet and vial judgments of the Book of Revelation.
Differentiating between Trumpets of God and Trumpets of Judgment, needed to protect from being deceived by the many false teachers who do not make this difference.
This chart untangles confusion about what happened and when in the Book of Daniel, which was not written in chronological order.
Charting one of the most convincing evidences for the existence of the God of the Bible and His foreknowledge of future events, giving the exact time of Jesus' death!
Heresy begets heresy. This chart shows the detrimental effect when the extreme Predestinarian doctrines of Augustine and Calvin dominate any denomination, movement, school or local church.
This is a chart used in our expository study of Hosea showing the Kings of Israel and Judah during his ministry.
Timelines showing the relation of Hosea's ministry to the reign of Kings of Israel in the North and Kings of Judah in the South.
The original twelve tribes were simply named after the twelve sons of Jacob as listed here in Genesis 35.
The twelve tribes of Israel listed in Revelation 7:4-8. Dan is removed and replaced with Manasses (Manasseh) the son of Jospeh.
Jeffrey Mardis allowed us to offer this chart that he produced depicting the Genesis Gap. Also see his book, "What Dwells Beyond."
A simple chart showing where John the Baptist fits in the Dispensation of Mosaic Law and died BEFORE our present Dispensation began. He is the last of the Old Testament prophets.
An amazing look at the fact that due to "life expectancy" being up to a millennium, there were only SEVEN generation between Adam and the global Flood and Noah's ark.
The Dispensation of Law ends with the Messiah being "cut off" at the end of the 69th Week of Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy.
The Bible is a Dispensational Book. This chart shows the Bible student a birds-eye view of human history from Creation to Final Judgment in 7 Dispensations.
Many continue to teach and promote the FALSE idea that the Nazis and Fascists are "far right". This chart shows the REALITY (Horizontal).
Many continue to teach and promote the FALSE idea that the Nazis and Fascists are "far right". This chart shows the REALITY (Vertical).
The Twelve Apostles as listed in Luke 6:13-16, with the replacements of Judas by Matthiahs temporarily (Acts 1:26) and then by Paul permanently (Acts 9:1-16).
The actual dates of the Crucifixion and Resurrection in 2024. The "Good Friday" and "Easter Sunday" myths defeat our efforts at reminding the world that this is NOT fiction It is HISTORY!
Basic chart showing the seven feasts of the Lord for Israel at "three times" each year and the fulfillment of these feasts in Israel and in relation to her Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.
Basic chart of the Spring Feast of the Lord in Israel as laid out in Leviticus 23. This covers the first 6 months of the year.
Basic chart of the Fall Feast of the Lord in Israel as laid out in Leviticus 23. This covers the last 6 months of the year.
Nearly all new versions come from the corrupt "stream" of Vaticanus while the KIng James comes for the pure "stream" of Antioch.
A simple list of the Purified Line of English Bibles with a second list of some of the corrupt versions coming from Codex Vaticanus.
Imputation: His righteousness becomes our righteousness when we repent toward God with faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ after He took our sin upon Himself on the Cross.
What is the basis of the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1 & Luke 3? This chart shows that foundation with the references to the full genealogies from Jacob (Israel) to Jesus.
Dispelling the unbiblical MYTH that large scale persecution of Christians cannot take place until after the Rapture. The Tribulation is about God's wrath while persecution has been going on for 2,000 years.
The Judgment is not a single event. Judgment involves a trial before the Judge and there are seven trials involved in the Biblical Judgment.
Jesus was NOT crucified on Friday. During the 3 days and 3 nights from sundown Wednesday to after sunset Saturday, there were TWO Sabbaths as charted here.
Jesus was NOT crucified on Friday. During the 3 days and 3 nights from sundown Wednesday to after sunset Saturday, there were TWO Sabbaths as charted here.
Map showing the borders of Israel under Joshua (1500 BC), King David (1000 BC) and the future reign of Jesus Christ in the Millennial Kingdom.
The horizontal view of this chronological chart showing the numerous "occupiers" of the Land of Israel. NOTICE: At no time did any "Palestinian Nation" exist or control this land.
The vertical view of this chronological chart showing the numerous "occupiers" of the Land of Israel. NOTICE: At no time did any "Palestinian Nation" exist or control this land.
An overview of the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government. The President is head of the Executive Branch is NOT Constitutionally any more powerful than the heads of the other two branches. We have NO King in America.
Charting the Kings of Israel. The nation is united from 1050 to 930 B.C., ending with the division as Rehoboam assumes the throne.
Charting the Kings of Israel. The Nation is Divided as this chart shows the Kings of Israel and Judah from 931 to 767 B.C.
Charting the Kings of Israel. The nation remains divided from 767 to 722 B.C., which ended with the Assyrian Captivity.
Charting the Kings of Israel. Judah stands alone from 716 B.C. to 586 B.C. and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Babylon.
This chart displays an amazing but much-overlooked prophecy in Daniel 11:1-13 which foretold the major events covering this 329 year period.
Charting the most amazing prophecy in the Bible, which foretold the EXACT date of the death of Messiah, centuries before it happened!
A chart emphasizing the unity of the godhead as separate persons. The Father is God and one with the Son, but is NOT the Son, etc.
Brother Mark Vass produced this handy chart to help King James Bible students understand the pronouns, including thou, thee, thy and thine.
The fact is, whenever cult members leave their respective cults, they rarely turn to the Biblical Jesus with faith in the Biblical Gospel, as this chart demonstrates.
A BBF-produced map of Joshua 3:17 from the Plains of Moab into the area near Gilgal.
A basic overview of the 70 year captivity, serving as a useful tool for those who are "visual learners".
Chart used in our study of the Pre-Trib Rapture with major developments highlighted, giving the Bible student a clear view.
Chart showing the Passover of Nisan 14 in which began with Jesus sharing the Last Supper and ended with His Crucifixion and Burial.
Bible Believers Fellowship
P..O. Box 662, Worthington, OH 43085 US
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