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(Private Prayer After Live Stream Is Over)
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for our next BBF LIVE STREAM!
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1. Simply dial (712) 432-3410
2. Enter our church code: 86903.
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Sing Along With Our Hymns:
We are now using a different hymnal...
Get your copy of the: Bible Truth Hymnal
You can find hymn lyrics on-line at: Hymnal.net
Join the rest of us at Bible Believers Fellowship and read through the Bible book by book. It's the Biblical thing for genuine Christians to do!
Many people get bogged down after reading several books into the Old Testament. That is why we've developed this reading calendar that takes you from Old Testament to New Testament back to Old and then back to the New. Genesis to Matthew to Exodus to Mark...
Download the BBF Bible Reading Calendar updated for 2025:
Matthew 4:4 (KJV) But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
The video Alternative for our Bible studies can be found by clicking the following Rumble Links:
Send details to: bbfohio@protonmail.com
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To Listen To Archives: Choose Series & Platform:
Proverbs: Sermon Audio or Rumble
Evidence For God: Sermon Audio or Rumble
About Jesus: Sermon Audio or Rumble
Read thru the Bible In A Year: Start Any Day of the Year!
Click To Download/Save/Print
E-mail Us at: bbfohio@protonmail.com
To write and/or Donate by Check/M.O.:
Bible Believers Fellowship
P.O. Box 662
Worthington, OH 43085
Please make Check or Money Orders out to:
"Bible Believers Fellowship"
Or click the button below:
If you still need help finding our building, do not hesitate to e-mail us at bbfohio@protonmail.com or call 614-374-8313.
Service Times
As born again believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we seek to present that same Gospel message to all who will hear, and then to teach the word of God to those who believe the Gospel and are saved!
We believe the King James Bible is the infallible word of God. We believe that Jesus Christ is come as God in the flesh. He shed His blood and died on the Cross, and rose bodily from the dead to save lost sinners.
All are welcome at Bible Believers Fellowship, but only those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ can be part of God's Church, the Body of Christ. If you are now or would like to join the Body of Christ, then you are welcome to join us locally at BBF.
Bible Believers Fellowship
P..O. Box 662, Worthington, OH 43085 US
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